Need more caramel? Spoil with GOLD.
Expertly crafted and created from a fine selection of ingredients like caramelised sugar and caramelised milk, this caramel chocolate has rich 0tes of toffee, butter, cream and an exciting dash of salt. Enjoy its pale amber colour with a golden hue that works well in almost any application.
Fresh & Tangy. Manjari liberates acidulous 0tes of red and dried fruits. Heavenly acidulous red fruit and dried-fruit hints. Pure Madagascar. 40% cocoa.
Amaze with the most iconic white chocolate.
Recipe N° W2 is another one of Octaaf Callebaut’s original recipes that has grown into many chefs’ preferred chocolate. This chocolate is as Belgian as can be, since it’s predominately made with milk from cows grazing on Belgian pastures and sugar from locally grown sugar beets.
It has a delightful taste with pronounced milky, creamy, caramelly and vanilla notes that are in perfect balance. W2 can be paired with a wide range of ingredients and flavours: from sour to bitter, spices to herbs and from fruits to beers.
With its medium fluidity, this is a great all-round chocolate. Used in chocolate bars or hollow figures, it takes you by surprise with its lovely satin gloss and snappy texture. And fully rely on it to flavour mousses, crèmes, ice creams, drinks and sauces.
balanced – milky – creamy – vanilla hints
Pairing tips
Black sesame seeds
Sichuan Pepper
Sesame Oil
Goat Cheese
Bean origin
To achieve a perfectly balanced and round taste, we blend cocoa beans from 3 different countries of origin: Ivory Coast, Ghana and Ecuador.
Strawberry-coloured and flavoured white chocolate.
Say it in pink. Colour and flavour your desserts with Strawberry Callets™. Made with Callebaut® Belgian white chocolate, they combine a creamy and caramelly sweet taste with an obvious strawberry flavour.
With their standard fluidity, you can use Strawberry Callets™ for the same wide variety of applications as our traditional chocolates. You can add coloured details to hollow figures and pralines or create small coloured decorations for cakes and desserts. And they’re wonderful for flavouring crèmes, mousses and pastry interiors with a strawberry twist.
Melting, tempering and cooling work in exactly the same way as our classic white chocolates. Just unleash your creativity. The taste buds of your customers will follow.
Strawberry Callets™ are made with 100% AZO-free colours.
Belcolade Belgian Milk Chocolate. Made with the finest cocoa beans. Use for chocolate making, moulding and dipping. Convenient to use in button form, therefore quicker to melt. Follow simple instructions on pack to use. Use for covering cakes and making chocolates and decorations. (Or dipping such delicious treats as strawberries or other fruit, marshmallows, cookies etc..)
Spray in head down position = Blower
Spray in head up position = Cooler
Dry gas spray to blow and dust hard to reach surfaces and to cool when you turn over the spray.
0n-flammable, odourless, totaly dry gas, without impuryties.
It does 0t deteriorate materials.